Machu Picchu

We took an hour and a half train ride at 6:30 in the morning. When we got there everyone told us we needed a guide. We took this one girl who was overly enthusiastic. "Welcome to Machu Picchu city!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Now, I'm honestly not a fan of the Incas. My reason is simple. They made unnecessary sacrifices of animals and people for their gods.

We let the guide walk us for a half an hour until we decided to do a hike up this one mountain because we had to enter it by 11:00. We took the stairs where we were supposed to meet a guy who would take our tickets or something. This, of course, never happened. So we heard it was pretty a hard hike and we said we would turn back at about 3/4 of the way. This as well didn't happen. Now, isn't this starting to make sense... WE TOOK THE WRONG TRAIL. It was a lot easier and led to the Sun Gate where the four day hike up Machu Picchu ends. We took breaks often and finally reached the top. We had a junk food break before deciding to head back down. We found the guide again and she took us through everything. She started by going to The Inca's house who was some weirdo that had 500 kids. He was the only one with a toilet which was a squatter.

The Incas made many foolish sacrifices. They carved a condor's head and its beak into stone. So what you would do is chop a guy's head off and the blood would spill into the beak and the condor would drink it.

 Later, we saw an ant on a rock and he was crawling by a spider web. Maeve decided to push him in the web. When that happened, a spider came rushing down and started to wrap him up. Captain Liam saved the day by unwrapping him.

When it was time to leave we had to get in a long line for the bus. Some idiot cut the line and then caused an uprising and more people cut. We had to wait longer. We finally got on the train and some stupid people started playing a game that involved sticking candy in their butt and trying to drop it in a cup.

Overall, I really didn't know what to think of Machu Picchu. It was built over 500 years ago so I guess it was impressive.
