What Are You Wearing People?

Anyone who knows me is well aware that I am not a fashionista. I don't wear trendy clothes.  I gravitate toward comfort and ease when it comes to my clothing choices.  If I have thoughtfully accessorized and my hair isn't in a pony tail or hairband at least once during the work week, then I am doing well.  I tend to wear earth tones or items that match.  I guess sometimes I am pretty boring with monochromatic ensembles. I am pretty self-aware of my lack of fashion sense.  That said, I have to wonder about others' choices when they are traveling.  

Being stuck in an airport for a long layover or extended delays allows a lot of time for 'people watching.'  I was blown away at what I observed recently.  Now this isn't a commentary on another culture; this was a U.S. airport.  These were 'my people.'  At least every other person begged the question, "What were you thinking when you chose that outfit?"  

I saw no less than five women wearing strapless tops or dresses. This is just a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. Only one woman looked fabulous in it and she had two children under the age of three, so that was grounds for me to be annoyed with her anyway.  I just don't understand how that is a comfortable option while traveling through airports. And what about the cut-off shorts that would require you to cut off a lot more just to wear them? I felt like the 'people of Walmart' just entered the terminal.  Got my toilet paper and magazines, now let's head to the airport.

Then there is the choice in footwear. I get that Europeans can walk all over in all kinds of shoes.  I've traveled to various countries and it's just how they roll.  But am I the only person whose feet tend to swell when flying?  How are you squeezing into the Candies stilettos circa 1980 and navigating the lengthy routes through check-in and gates? The only bonus would be easy shoe removal at security, but there are a lot of other sensible and fashionable choices if that is the goal.  Is the airport really the place to rock your new five inch wedges?

It doesn't seem to be an age thing either.  There were plenty of older women wearing crazy shoes and outfits.  One older woman walked by in an outfit clearly intended for a much younger person. She had overworked the Botox and makeup.  Maeve looked at her and said, "There goes Grandma Ga Ga."

Tourists don't seem to save these illogical clothing choices for the airport either.  When we toured the caves in Puerto Rico I saw a woman wearing a black cat suit.  Seriously?  How did that decision start? Should I wear the comfortable walking shorts, the flowy skirt because it's hot?....No, I think I'll squeeze my 230 pound body into this black cat suit with the lace accents. Perfect for a walking tour through dark caves. 

I know we will see a lot more interesting fashion choices as we travel internationally. I guess I was sort of surprised by the choices of my own country.  I'm sure that could be a blog all by itself.